Event Poems

In 1979 we met in a historic building on St Georges Tce

42 years later the building has gone but it did prepare us

For a world of needles and thread, embossed in stitches of time

Bound together in the fluidity of fashion and fabric so fine

Sadly most of us have moved on from patterns and scissors

The world turned upside down, but we’re all survivors

New vocations, connected by our in-built need for creativity

Still binds our friendship together in Bentley TAFE exclusivity

So let’s connect again at another Bentley get together

Time and date has been set, no matter the weather

Good food and wine and company

Will you come along, enjoy a tipple or perhaps a cup of tea?

What do we see in a painting when we look?
Just as no two people ever read the same book
Perspective of art differs as value comes from within
How does an artist see beyond, and also, how to begin?

Light, shapes and shadows oscillate around us
Compelling the artist to paint, and viewers to discuss
What will you see in Sue’s paintings of “Resonant Light”?
Look outwards, then inwards, see what emotions ignite

Our aches and pains were constant, things were looking dour
Then weekly on Saturdays at 8 am, became our finest hour

In need of manipulation to our glutes, neck and shoulders
We scuttled along to our local physio, necks like boulders

Drey stretched and strengthened us
Boldly, and with a minimum of fuss

Our bodies getting stronger and more resilient
In fact, more and more days, we even felt brilliant

Just as important was the friendly banter
Weaving and connecting via our commander

Make no mistake, Drey was as efficient as a power drill
The Saturday gals will miss you…. Denise, Jackie, Sacha, Phyllis and Jill

It’s time for new opportunities now, and to say cheerio
From your clients and colleagues at Karrinyup Physio

We all met while exercising at Curves in Wembley
It’s now catch-up time again, like a general assembly

We kept fit on the machines…. Push…pull…extend
And as time progressed we connected as friends

This became the main reason to visit the gym
To chat while exercising, and maybe to stay slim

Our next catch-up is scheduled, dinner on 19th May
At The Herdy in Wembley, 6:30 pm, on a Wednesday

The years slip by so quickly, let’s pause and reflect
And not let opportunities slip by to reconnect

You can’t be vague if you want to persuade

Try the questioning technique, go on, be brave

Grab the audience’s attention using this technique

Eyebrows will be raised when they see its unique


Ask 3 relevant questions so their ears burn

Pique their curiosity with matters of concern

Ask ‘did you know?’ questions using statistics 

Give problem-solving solutions, they’ll go ballistic


Help them to visualise the solution, to imagine it 

Is the quickest way to engage and convince a sceptic 

Introduce them to something they were totally unaware

So they’re now smarter, no longer ‘buyer beware’


 Turn what could have been a boring one-way monologue

Into a mindful and interactive two-way dialogue 

Influential persuaders don’t waste your time, they sow a seed

Because they know if you want to succeed, you must intrigue


By Denise Price, Club 34, Rostrum Rockstar Writer 


The audience with smiles so wide you’d think it was Christmas

It was earlier than that, at our Gala Event of ‘speaking fitness’ 

The Lavan team – Tegan, Tristan and Lara – did a great job of organising the event

Also the last formal occasion for Lauren, our very pregnant President


The 6 finalists did Rostrum proud with their speeches so fine

Innovative themes designed to inspire reflection, whilst adhering to time

But there can only be one winner, choosing, it’s so hard

Club 34 this time with the winner, the measured Simon Pritchard


A huge curveball was thrown our way this year

Virtual meetings became our new ‘Frontier’

Rostrum members stepping up to the plate

Ensured our regular club meetings were great




We now have a new leader, of this we are certain

Ryan, full of enthusiasm and youth, ready to unveil the curtains

What surprises does RLT have in store for 2021, I wonder?

New-look competitions abound, but I won’t steal their thunder


An exciting year is ahead, variety is always the key

Helped along by an energised (and younger) RLT

Ryan, Ben and Tegan, all highly motivated

Ably assisted by long-term stalwarts, Carmel and David


Ken – not officially RLT, but still involved creatively

Terry – sadly no longer our treasurer, now replaced by Mell, our new measurer

Mary Rice – the glue that binds us together as Rostrum’s Secretariat

And then me, Denise, your club writer, striving to vary it 


Do you have friends who’d like to future-proof their career?

Then “Just bring one” person along to your club next year 

Rostrum members, we wish you all a wonderful Christmas of fun

And look forward to continued learning and laughing in 2021


RLT – Rostrum Leadership Team

Denise Price, Rostrum Rockstar Writer

Rostrum Public Speaking Clubs of WA 

You better watch out, you better not cry

You better book now, I’m telling you why

Rostrum’s Gala Event is coming to town


Six speakers compete to be the winner

While we relax & chat over a 3-course dinner 

Also People’s Choice and Runner-Up Awards

Just as important and not to be ignored 



Simon, Ben and Danish intend to have lots of fun

Antony, Josh and Joanna are not to be outdone

Ryan Whiddett, our presiding president

Will deliver news about the year that went


The camera will be constantly clicked by photographer Julian Rice

Ensuring special moments are captured on his dazzling device

Carmel Philippe will be our entertaining emcee

Adding to the spirit of the speeches, dancing & camaraderie


2021’s Club of Excellence will be awarded

Which club’s contributions will be rewarded?

If your club’s entry hasn’t been lodged yet

You’ve got until 8th October  don’t forget!


Listen, learn and laugh with your friends

There’ll be group photo opportunities + other gems

At Rostrum’s flagship event of the year 

We’d love it if you came along to cheer 


You better book now, you better not wait

76 tickets sold already, please don’t hesitate

There’s room for 24 more if that’s your intent

On 16th October, at Rostrum’s Gala Event 


You made us laugh, you made us cry

You made us feel like we could fly

You faced your fears and sang from the heart

Embracing inclusion right from the start

You gave us the courage don’t you see

To speak truth to power, to break free

Boundaries were pushed, beliefs were shattered

Because you knew the language of your legacy mattered


David Julian Price’s Elevator Pitching Bootcamps are legendary. We’d love to see you there.

There’s one more Bootcamp in 2021 and it’s NEXT WEEK
Tuesday 30th November in Floreat


An elevator pitch is more than a greeting
Its purpose is to get a follow-up meeting

If eyebrows are raised that’s good news 
It means you created curiosity and didn’t confuse

Frame the shift you want people to make
And the action you want them to take

Put your catch-phrase into a rhythm or beat
Making it easy for others to repeat

You’ll learn a punchier pitch said in less time
With a relevant metaphor, and also a rhyme

This creates intrigue, engages and informs
At David Price’s Pitching Bootcamps we all brainstorm

You’ll learn strategies to look and sound confident
So your pitch and body language are always congruent

Would you like to learn how to say and put it all together?
Come along and learn speaking skills that last forever

“Poem by Inspired by Sam Horn from Intrigue Agency”

Semi-Finals wrap, and a glimpse at what to expect at the Final

12 semi-final speeches made us laugh, they made us cry

Not only that, they also made us feel like we could fly


Denise left us reflective on Freddie Mercury’s music and lasting legacy from Live Aid

Joe regaled us on how spoken and written language matters if you want to persuade

Jan captivated us on how the London Bells became the heart of the Bell Tower of Perth 

Alex’s heartfelt speech about her father left us in no wonder she admired his worth


As the oldest child, Jessica entertained us with spirited situations of sibling rivalry

Joanna was concerned with the decline in children’s abilities to communicate effectively


Josh educated us, explaining why HIV & AIDS are no longer a death sentence to impart

Simon explained how language allows us to socially bond, by moving our minds and hearts


Danish revealed lessons he learned as a taxi driver guided him to always be honourable 

Johnathon’s stories of his grandad’s time in the army were fascinating and admirable 


Antony revealed the growing pains he endured as a gaming addict, adding a parent’s salvation 

Ben compared the 4 key competencies he learned at McDonald’s, to governing the nation


Enduring and commendable, the semis are done and dusted

The finals will be upon us soon, are you as keen as mustard?


Joanna, Josh, Simon, Danish, Ben and Antony are the 6 finalists

They’re busy preparing and rehearsing, so their speeches are articulate


Tickets are now on sale, don’t dawdle, dilly-dally or digress

Log on to register, securing your seats is a simple process